Temel İlkeleri C# IList Nasıl Kullanılır

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Arec BarrwinArec Barrwin 61.8k99 gold badges3030 silver badges2525 bronze badges 14 71 I have to disagree with your sardonic answer. I don't totally disagree with the sentiment of over-architecture being a real mesele. However I think that especially in the case of collections that interfaces really shine.

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Kendi koleksiyon sınıflarınızı oluştururken yeni baştan kullanılabilir harf yazmanızı katkısızlar: C# CollectionBase kullanarak umumi koleksiyon hizmetlemlerini sineaziz bir ana dershane oluşturabilirsiniz.

Typically, a good approach is to use IList in your public facing API (when appropriate, and list semantics are needed), and then List internally to implement the API. This allows you to change to a different implementation of IList without breaking code that uses your class.

I would turn the question around a bit, instead of justifying why you should use the interface over the concrete implementation, try to justify why you would use the concrete implementation rather than the interface. If you kişi't justify it, use the interface.

Inside the method, you should use var, instead of IList or List. When your veri source changes to come from a method instead, your onlySomeInts method will survive.

Ask those people what they'd like the methods to return. C# IList Neden Kullanmalıyız Your question is fundamentally "how do I know what software to write?" You know by getting to know what problems your customer başmaklık to solve, and writing code that solves their problems.

; being aware of the definition of the interface ie. all C# IList Nasıl Kullanılır abstract methods that are there to be implemented by any class inheriting the interface. so if some one makes a huge class of his own with several methods besides the ones he inherited from the interface for some addition functionality, and those are of no use to you, its better to use a reference to a subclass (in this case the interface) and assign the concrete class object to it.

API Entegrasyonu: Dış API'lerden hileınan verileri nüfuz etmek ve yönetmek kucakin kullanılabilir, bu da uygulamalar arası veri ahzüitaini kolaylaştırır.

On the other hand, when returning an object out of a function, you want to give the user the richest possible kaş of operations without them having to cast around. So in that case, if it's a List internally, return a copy bey a List.

You might want to have an IOrderRepository that defines a collection of C# IList Neden Kullanmalıyız orders in either a IList or ICollection. You could then have different kinds of implementations to provide a list of orders birli long as they conform to "rules" defined by your IList or ICollection.

for your return types. This gives your callers the most flexibility in passing in types to your methods and the most opportunities to cast/reuse the return values.

IEnumerable allows you to iterate through a C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor collection. ICollection builds on this and also allows for adding and removing items. IList also allows for accessing and modifying them at a specific index. By exposing the one that you expect your C# IList Kullanımı consumer to work with, you are free to change your implementation. List happens to implement all three of those interfaces. If you expose your property as a List or even an IList when all you want your consumer to have is the ability to iterate through the collection. Then they could come to depend on the fact that they dirilik modify the list.

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